Birth of Maguire June

I sit here, in disbelief. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that my daughter is here, that 4 weeks ago she was born into our hands, at home, just like we planned. I have so many people I want to thank for making this dream a reality. First off, My midwives. Those magnificent women from MidValley Birthing Services made my birthing experience everything I ever dreamed of. Secondly, My incredible photographer & friend, Kel, of Kel Pitts Photography. She captured our delivery so perfectly. Next is Jess, my videographer from Jess Photo Doula. She made it just in time for MJ to be born and her presence was full of so much life & joy. Lastly, but certainly not least, my doulas. Cre’shae from PNW Doulas and Samantha from Samantha’s Support. These two were the cheerleaders I didn’t know I needed. Our birth team was perfectly curated to fill all of our physical, emotional and mental needs through pregnancy, labor & delivery, we couldn’t have selected a better group of women. Thank you to each and every one of you! We will forever be thankful for your love, support, time & talent.

Before I get into the details, this is your warning.. there is blood & nudity in these images. Don’t like it, don’t scroll :)

The morning of Thursday, January 20th I had my 41 week midwife appointment. At this point I was pretty miserable and everyone around me knew it. Baby girl was so low in my pelvis, I still have remaining hip issues from my first pregnancy/car accident. I was the most pregnant I have ever been and in constant pain. We were very ready to meet our daughter. I was really looking forward to midwife appointment, it was with our main midwife, Julia, she always brought me the biggest sense of comfort and peace. During the appointment we discussed my comfort level with being overdue and how long we were okay allowing my body to do its own thing. Jon and I had both agreed that 42 weeks was our limit. Mentally and Physically, I couldn’t go any longer than that, even though I could go to 43 weeks and still qualify for homebirth. Julia was in full support! We did all of our usual appointment questions and ended with a cervical exam at my request, and a membrane sweep. I was 2.5-3cm dilated and the sweep caused my bag to bubble. All great signs. Julia suggested I pump and rest, and I did.

Around 2pm I started to have contractions. They started very strong but sporadic. Jon was working downstairs and could hear me laboring in our room. He brought me lunch, words of encouragement and resumed work at my instruction, knowing labor could stop or have hours to go. I was in talks with my girlfriends & doula, Samantha. All of them cheering me on and sending all the love. Around 4:30pm, one of my bestfriends, Elizabeth brought Murphy home from daycare so I could love on him. She gave me a big hug, helped me through a few contractions, shed some tears together and on her way she went. At this point, my mom had arrived to take Murphy to her house for the night. I really wanted him present at the birth but knew that Jon couldn’t take care of him & a laboring me, so we felt it best he stay at nanas. Once my mom & Murph had left, I started cleaning and getting the house ready. We requested one of our midwives come and check on me, labor was feeling intense, but so different from Murphy’s that I wanted some extra reassurance we were ok. Zilly, one of our midwifes, arrived around 6pm. She took my vitals and checked me again, I had made it to 3cm. She recommended we do the Miles Circuit and rest. Feeling like things were actually happening, I sent a text to one of my other best friends, Jaycie (She owns Brondology with here sister, check em out!) asking if she would come over and help me with my hair, thankfully we only live 5 mins away from each other. The timing of her arrival was perfect, Jaycie started my hair and Jon ran to get us dinner at In-n-Out. Eating a burger while in labor is a tradition in our household (I was biting into a burger when my water broke with Murphy). Jaycie styled my hair beautifully for labor, keeping it out of my face and making me feel like a Viking warrior with beautiful braids. She kept me laughing and in wonderful spirits as contractions remained intense but random. The 3 of us ate dinner together, I was able to see Jaycie in her stunning wedding gown and then she headed home.

The night went on, contractions remained the same, we watched Dune as I bounced on my ball and tried to help baby get into the ideal spot so labor would progress. I suggested to Jon that he try to get some rest as it could be a long night and when I would need him, Id REALLY need him rested. He requested I try to do the same, but laying in bed made the contractions unbearable. Once Dune had finished, I had to put on Good Will Hunting. The movie that inspired our girls name. As I watched the movie and labored on, Jon woke and suggested a shower with some unisom could help relax my body enough to get some rest. I took his suggestion, had a few hard contractions in the shower and moved back to bed. As soon as I got into bed, found a comfy position and closed my eyes, something shifted. I rolled and had to be on my hands & knees as a contraction started. This contraction was like none of the others I had. My moans grew louder, loud enough for Jon to get out of bed and know things had changed. I looked at the clock and it was midnight, making it January 21st. January 21st is also my longest friend Jaceys birthday, we had all joked around that she was waiting for the 21st… and she really was!

That 1 hard contraction changed everything. They immediately came on every 2 minutes and more intense than before. I continued to labor, not needing any physical support from Jon, but his constant words of affirmation helped immensely. Around 12:30am, Jon insisted on calling Julia. I kept telling him we had hours to go and wasn’t convinced I was in labor. Jon decided to call anyways, Zilly was be on her way over. I then called the rest of our birth team, my doulas, photographer & videographer, they all started to head this way. Contractions continued to grow and I kept saying “there is so much pressure”, scaring Jon enough to call Julia again to see where Zilly might be (it had only been 25 mins since he first called). Shortly after the 2nd call Zilly walked in and we could breathe again. She checked vitals and requested to check my cervix, I happily consented. To all our surprise, I was 7-8cm. I told Jon I was ready to get into the tub and hopefully find relief in the water. He started to draw me a bath and I couldn’t wait, getting in as he was still trying to get the temp right.

Once in the tub, I felt so much relief. The water helped sooth the contractions and made it easier for me to turn inward and focus on my breathing & tones through each wave of pain. Kel, our amazing friend & photographer had arrived. Having her there was such a warm presence. Shortly after Kel walked in, Samantha, one of my doulas and also a close friend had arrived. I remember vividly looking up after a contraction and seeing her right in front of me. A big smile washed over my face and I said “you made it!!”. Having Jon, Zilly, Kel and Samantha there made me feel so safe.

Contractions began to grow in intensity. I was unaware of what was going on around me, I had my eyes shut and was able to really focus on each wave and breathing my baby down. At some point, Julia, our main midwife, Hannah, their student and Cre’Shae, my other doula arrived. Almost the whole team was there. The room was filled with girl power + Jon and we were ready to welcome our girl at any point. We had only filled the tub halfway, expecting Jon to get in with me, but I needed to labor on all fours, there was no room for him. Someone suggested filling the tub more and I was all for it. The tub filled but was too hot for me. I still needed water so I asked to move to the shower. As soon as I got into the shower, I bumped the temp handle and a contraction hit. The water became far too hot, burning my skin. I began to spiral. With so many people in our bathroom, I couldn’t get out of the shower. The contraction and burning water made me go crazy. I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t do anything besides panic. Once things settled and we got the water right, I had another contraction and hated the shower. The water wasn’t hitting the right spot on my belly and offered me nothing. I told Jon I wanted to go back to the tub. Thankfully, someone had brought in a fan and bowl of cold water with rags to help cool me down in the tub.

Once back in the tub, I felt the need to push. There was an immense amount of pressure and my body said to push. Julia suggested I listen to my body and start pushing. After a few contractions and pushes, my mind flooded with fear. What if she’s in a bad position like Murphy was? What if I am pushing too soon? What if we transfer again? I so badly wanted her born at home. I told Julia that the pushing didn’t feel right and again she told me to listen to my body. I stopped pushing through a few contractions but before I knew it, my body was pushing on its own. I couldn’t stop it and didn’t want to fight it. I pushed with my body and really found my center. I kept reaching down in between pushes to see if I could feel any progress. Jon was beside me with Samantha, Julia behind me. Julia told me she could feel my sack of water and asked if I wanted it broken, I didn’t know what I wanted and I don’t remember if i answered her or not, she left my waters intact, I reached down and felt the bulging bag. On the next contraction I felt a feeling I had never felt before, I asked “What is this feeling?!” and someone chimed in that it was the ring of fire… It didn’t feel like I had expected. When people say “ring of fire”, I expected it to burn or sting, instead I felt doing a stretch too far, but inside my vagina. I pushed as hard as I could through that contraction. After it settled, I reached down again. I couldn’t believe it, her head was in my hand, still en caul. While holding her head, I exclaimed with a smile that she was still en caul, Jon and I had a moment of connection. We locked eyes, shared a kiss and then I invited Jon to feel her head as well. We both held her head before the next contraction.

While we held her head, I felt the next contraction building. Jon removed his hand and I turned inward, using every ounce of strength and energy I had and pushed while keeping a hand on her head. Two pushes during that contraction and my daughter left my body, entering the world into my hands at 2:25am. I pulled her to my chest as Julia removed the amniotic sack from her head. Instinct kicked in and I started to stimulate her back, longing to hear that first cry. Julia reassured me that she was okay as she wiped her down. I gazed at my daughter and couldn’t believe how much she looked just like Murphy. Jon and I locked and shared a moment together. Finally, she let out a cry and I lost it. Finally hearing that awaited sound, but as I looked down at my little girl I watched her lips turn blue in my arms and Julia stepped in. Remaining calm, she continued to assure Jon and I that we were both ok as she gave her a few ventilations to help her breath. Moments felt like eternity. I knew my daughter was okay, but I still felt scared watching her need extra help. After a few ventilation breaths she let out a loud cry and continued to cry. I lost it. Crying tears of happiness and relief I would look up to Jon and stop crying and as soon as I looked back down at her, Id lose it all over again. Our daughter was here. Born safely. Born healthy. Born at home. My dream had come true.

Once things had settled down, I was assisted out of the tub just as the placenta was coming out. Zilly caught it quickly and wrapped it in a chuxpad and tucked us into bed. Jon and I snuggled our girl and all I could say and think was… “wow, my vagina hurts”. We were still in disbelief that after only 2.5 hours of active labor, our girl was here. After all of that, all I wanted was to snuggle my baby, shower, eat a yummy charcuterie plate made by Cre’shae and drink a beer. I was able to do all that with the help of my wonderful support team. Watching Jon get to hold his first daughter was a moment I cant ever describe. Jon and I laid in bed while Julia did the newborn exam, we were all taking guesses at how much she weighed. Jon and I had both expected a 9lb baby, our little lady came in at 8lbs 3oz of pure perfection. It brought me so much joy to watch her be weighed in our home, as silly as it is, it was something I was so excited for with Murphy and it didn’t happen. During the exam, Julia noticed on my placenta that I had a Velamentous cord insertion, which happens in less than 1% of singleton pregnancies. Things started to settle town, our wonderful support team began to head home and we basked in the goodness of our sweet little girl, in the comfort of our own bed.